In-Office Whitening vs Take-Home Whitening
What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening involves applying a gel to the front of your teeth to lighten their color. This gel penetrates the porous outer layer of the teeth and breaks apart stain compounds through a chemical reaction known as oxidation.

In our Springville, Utah dentist office, we offer two options for whitening:
Take-Home Whitening
The process: The process begins with taking alginate impressions, creating models, and crafting custom-fit bleach trays for the patient. Each purchase of bleach trays includes 2 tubes of bleach.
To use: To use them effectively, place a small bead of bleach in the tray for the visible teeth when smiling. Wear the trays for at least 20 minutes daily or every other day until you achieve your desired shade, then continue as needed for maintenance.
Pros: Can be done at home
Results within 2-3 weeks
If a patient comes in for a regular 6-month cleaning/exam they get two tubes of bleach for free at those visits with our Teeth Whitening for Life Program.
Cons: Can be more sensitive
In-Office Whitening
The Process: For this service, an appointment is necessary. During the appointment, the patient wears a mouth guard containing bleach while a blue light is applied externally for 20 minutes to activate the bleach.
Afterward, the patient receives a mouthguard and a bleach pen for touch-up treatments at home. This option offers a quick appointment with less sensitivity compared to at-home whitening.
Pros: Quick appointment
Less sensitivity
Cons: Not an instant change in shade (takes about 2 months to see desired shade)
While in-office whitening provides a quick solution with reduced sensitivity, it may take about 2 months to achieve the desired shade. For more information on our teeth whitening options, please contact our office at (801) 489-4411.